Paediatric Heart Sound Card

Paediatric heart sounds audio
Genuine patient recordings
16 tracks of various conditions
For use with Heart and Breath Sound Simulator



Paediatric Heart Sound Card
The Paediatric Heart Sound Card is for use with the Heart and Breath Sounds Simulator and features 16 genuine patient recordings for student analysis. Demonstration a range of conditions to be auscultated and diagnosed, the card is easily set-up or switched out for another of the library of 3B sound cards available.

Sound Card Recordings
7 month
1 year
6 year
14 year
Stills murmur
Venous hum
Split S2
Pulmonic stenosis
Systolic, fixed S2
Split S1
Aortic stenosis
Pulmonic stenosis
Mitral valve regurgitation
Required Equipment
M-1005884 Heart and Breath Sounds Simulator


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