Su Jok Acupuncture Diagnose Probe
Designed to diagnose acupuncture points, the Su Jok Acupuncture Diagnose Probe is ideal for acupuncture procedures on intricate areas such as the hands. This diagnosis type probe enables you to find key acupuncture points on the body, enabling you to carry out acupuncture safely and efficiently.
What Is the Su Jok Acupuncture Probe For?
The Su Jok Acupuncture Probe is designed to enable you to find acupuncture points on the hands. The simple tube like design enables you to do this quickly and efficiently, helping to increase comfort for your patient and reduce the chances of a mistake from you.
Why Should I Trust Su Jok Acupuncture Products?
All of our Su Jok acupuncture equipment have been designed with safety in mind. Every single needle, accessory and device has been subjected to stringent quality controls during their manufacture, meaning that they are safe and reliable to use.
Delivery Information
This product is usually dispatched via Royal Mail and delivery should be within 1 to 3 working days.
Delivery is free for orders over £65 (ex VAT) to UK mainland addresses. For all other UK orders, delivery is only £4.95 (ex VAT).
Delivery Charges
Order Value Delivery Cost
Up to £64.99 £4.95
£65.00 and over FREE
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